piexif Tales

Just updated - Optimize Images v1.4.0

Just updated - Optimize Images v1.4.0

Optimize Images has a new version just released on PyPI! Besides the usual clean and polish, this release includes two new features that may be of interest for you, especially if you are using this utility on servers.
Reading time: 2 minutes
Just updated - Optimize Images v1.3.6

Just updated - Optimize Images v1.3.6

Optimize Images has just been updated to version 1.3.6, a minor but still important release that fixes a few bugs and improves its overall stability. Thank you for using Optimize Images and/or contributing with feature suggestions, bug reports, or pull requests!
Just updated - Optimize Images v1.3.5

Just updated - Optimize Images v1.3.5

If you are using Optimize Images, please notice that it has just been updated to version 1.5, which fixes a bug and adds some support to a JPEG sub-format known as MPO.
Reading time: 1 minute